Sunday, November 13, 2011

Deep and Surface structure in Chomsky’s theory

We may be able to summarize the Deep and Surface Structure concepts as follows. Sentences may be present in the brain at two levels. Simple, basic or Kernel Sentences consisting of ideas or rough meanings, must be present at a deep level. The way these sentences are formed at that level is known as deep structure. One cannot see or hear the Deep Structure (DS) because it is an abstract or theoretical concept. The deep level is assumed, since the brain or mind first assembles certain concepts, that is, a basic sentence. In contrast, one can hear or see only the surface structure. The assumed concept will be operated by rules and changed into more complex sentences. If you understand what I just explained, you need to be so proud of yourself since you have begun to understand the complexities of Chomsky’s theory.

To explore Chomsky’s theory further, please visit the following link.
Searle, J. R. (1972). Chomsky's Revolution in Linguistics. Retrieved from Language Forums (2011). Deep Structure VS Surface Structure. Retrieved from

The third link provides more explanations on this similar topic. Retrieved from


  1. Reading this post I was able to connect it with what I previously read in the Children's Inquiry book for the book talk. In the reading, it stated that Vygostky believed that age children ages 3-7 can develop a second kind of speech which is the inner speech. I am thinking that when the child is able to develop this inner speech, it is the deep structure of the sentences which have deep meaning. In light of this, even the letters can be seen as showing us the deep meaning which takes form in this naturally unfolding inner speech. All of this I think goes to show that the theorists we have studied have many interrelated themes rich in content and thought.

  2. This makes me think back to the story of the wild child and how she seemed to be able to have that surface language but may have been past the time where she could develop a deeper language structure.
